Wi-Fi Router Compatibility with Sensi Thermostat
Sensi thermostats use Wi-Fi routers to connect to the internet. Certain router models are not compatible with Sensi thermostats. Please see list below to find out if your router is compatible with your Sensi thermostat.
Please see list below to find out if your router is compatible with your Sensi thermostat.
If you aren’t sure which model you have, check out this article first. It will help you find your Sensi model number and Wi-Fi radio information.
1F95U-42 series, ST75 series, NH-2WIFI, OH-2WIFI
Routers or Access Points listed here were found incompatible with exceptions noted at time of testing. Newer firmware releases for listed hardware may resolve incompatibility. Consult with the hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
1F87U-42 series, ST55 series, NH-AWIFI, OH-AWIFI
Routers or Access Points listed here were found incompatible with exceptions noted at time of testing. Newer firmware releases for listed hardware may resolve incompatibility. Consult with the hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
1F86U-42WF, UP500W
Routers or Access Points listed here were found incompatible with exceptions noted at time of testing. Newer firmware releases for listed hardware may resolve incompatibility. Consult with the hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
1F86U-42WF, UP500W
Routers or Access Points listed here were found incompatible with exceptions noted at time of testing. Newer firmware releases for listed hardware may resolve incompatibility. Consult with the hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
*No known incompatible routers with the ST25 series, 1F76U-22 series, ST76 series, or the 1F96U-42 series.
Check out this page for a more advanced router compatibility troubleshooting information.